Tuesday, November 29, 2011


This is the first semester since I was 5 that I haven't been in school. Yep. 24 years old, didn't so much finish college as choose to have a house and not spend 10K of my parents' money a year on tuition to continue my education.

So this semester, in order to keep from getting lethargic or bored, I've been trying new things: learning things, reading things. Mostly learning to do things. I learned how to crochet online, and will sell hats next spring at Antique Alley. I am trying to learn to play guitar with Rocksmith, and it's awesome.

I'm attempting the whole "don't jump to conclusions" thing, too. That isn't working out so well for me. You know when you think something, then you find more evidence to back up your original assumption, even if later the two things aren't connected? It's like when a significant other connects "you haven't responded to my text in the last half an hour" to "s/he's cheating on me" instead of "s/he's at work, dumbass."

I need to take pictures at home of my crafts to put some online before Christmas. And go through the car for my MIL's phone. The last I saw it, it was dying Friday night.

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